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Facts About Wolves

Wolves Stay Wild


Interesting facts

The first ancestors of wolves lived more then 50 million years ago. Also wolves can go without food for three to four days. Their pawprint can be larger than a human hand. Wolves have three enemies, other wolves, bears, and hunters. They are great swimmers, and a pack of wolves howling can be heard from 10 miles away.Wolves's jaws are strong enough to crush bones. There is also only 90,000 wolves left. So, let's help the wolves!

Pack Life

There is a lot of rules in a pack of wolves. For example, the wolves in the pack have to listen to the leader, or the leaders mate is the only wolf in the pack to have pups. The leader of the wolf pack is called the alpha male. The alpha male is the most aggressive in the pack, also the biggest and strongest in the pack. His mate is called the alpha female, she can be aggressive too. Packs of wolves may have less than 6 or more than 20 wolves. They protect and care for each other, they live together as a family.
